Activity One

 Planet diameter: 178,943,680 km
Atmosphere: 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, and 1% other gases.
Summer: 70'D
Winter: 26'D
Autumn: 30'D
Spring: 38'D
Days in year: 183
Months: 1. Mars (49 days) 2. Juni (41 days) 3. September (51 days) 4. December (42 days)
Hours in Day: 27
Land mass: 5,368,280.4 km
Number of Planets Moons: 13
Number of eclipses per year: 4
Number of days in a year: 187 (no leap years)
Other Planets in the solar system: Delphinus, Zulu, Tubig, Terra
Solar System name: Delta
Ditance from the sun: 4,981,000 km
Surface features: 97% water, 3% land -1.5% grass
                                                        -0.5% rocks
                                                        -1% Mountains 

The colonist list

(100x men 100x woman)
15x Special forces
20x Builders
5x Negotiates
20x Swimming instructors/good swimmers
10x Good climbers
18x Bout drivers
8x Transporters
4x Scientists
10x Doctors
90x Others
total: 200 people

we discovered them when we landed they came in force they were little in size but huge in numbers, our troops were ready to fire on the signal then there commander (Rengal) screeched "charge" the battle began we had the advantage of an up rocket battle (we were still on the rocket after 3 long hours the fighting stopped and a peace treaty was singed, they are now helping us build our colony.

Godzilla Cetus
The largest Sea creature on Vatten, The Godzilla Cetus is a giant whale weighing up to 200,000 kgs. It has masses of body fat to keep it warm in the Southern and Northern antarctic areas. The Godzilla Cetus is an animal often preyed upon for food.  

a primitive animal eaten throughout the Uggony and is a good supplier of food and fur.
and can make a very good guard pet

is a very protective best, it protects its young.
 if a life form enters its territory it will protect its young with its life.
it's colour can change to it environment.  

Baby/Child Axemouth


Teenage Axemouth
