Activity Three

The main shelters are built with the supplies the Uggnoy give us, until the iron-ore factory is constructed to provide steel to make stronger to protect us from the Axemouth, and if the land gets to small we will build house boats.

The iron-ore will be found under the ground and in the Mountains, it will be able to protect us from the Axemouth and the other natural elements of the Planet.

When we first arrived we set up our Base, to protect ourselves we brought along 8 Gatling guns.

there are many fruits and vegetables on the planet,(as said in Activity 2) but for meat, thats a different story. the Reshol are a good supply of meat, but if we only eat them, they will whipe out, (no more left) that's why we can eat the Godzilla Cetus, they are very large and are a good supply of food.